Required Conferences/Seminars

Clinical Pathology Conference

(day and time to be announced) weekly, residents and faculty present and discuss interesting clinical pathology cases, recent advancements in clinical pathology, and the interpretation of laboratory values in terms of a clinical setting. This conference provides a weekly forum for trainee and faculty discussion of difficult and unusual cases. The conference is composed of both a 30 minute resident and a 30 minute faculty presentation. Residents develop their presentation under the guidance of a faculty member with whom they are currently rotating.

Pathology Grand Rounds

Friday, 12:30 pm. Residents attend and are expected to present at this conference on a variety of basic science and clinical topics.

Hematology Laboratory Rounds

(day and time to be decided) weekly, residents and technologists attend while director presents an interesting case of the week. Case is discussed with literature to support diagnosis.

Director’s Hour

Monday 8am, weekly. Each Monday morning all Clinical Pathology residents will meet with the Laboratory Director to discuss the previous week’s cases and the plans for the new week.

In addition many of you will be assigned to teach sophomore medical student pathology small group discussions on Wednesday and Thursday from 10am until 12noon.

Scholarly Activities / research Activities During and After Rotation During the rotation, residents are expected to perform literature searches with regard to difficult/unusual cases.