Brain Injury Rehabilitation Unit/Neuropsychology Service

PRECEPTOR: Chris M. Bauer, Ph.D., Clinical Neuropsychologist
ADDRESS: Veterans Medical Center, Martinsburg WV 25405
LOCATION OF ELECTIVE: Martinsburg VAMC, Brain Injury Unit (Mainstream Program)
DURATION: 2 weeks
OFFERED: Intermittently 
 Inpatient Hospital


Student will be exposed to the assessment procedures and cognitive rehabilitation techniques used in a post-acute brain injury unit. Primary goals of the rotation include a basic understanding of the effects of brain injury on cognition, emotion, and behavior as well as the common techniques involved in cognitive rehabilitation of persons in the post-acute phase of recovery.


To learn about the assessment and cognitive rehabilitation of persons with post-acute brain injuries.

Methods to Achieve Objectives

The student will be assigned various readings, will work with Mainstream staff in cognitive rehabilitation groups, will observe interviews and neuropsychological assessments of cognitively impaired persons, and will be provided supervision in order to discuss cases and learn about brain/behavior relationships.

Examination Procedures and Evaluation Criteria

  • Daily Observation: X
  • Written Testing
  • Oral Testing
  • Other (Be specific): Level of participation in assignments
  • Criteria for a Satisfactory grade: Satisfactory participation in all assignments