- Position
- Professor, Division of Genetics, Pediatrics
- Phone
- 304-293-7332
Genetics / Metabolics
- Position
- Clinical and Biochemical Geneticist, Section of Genetics, Pediatrics
- Phone
- 304-293-7332
- Position
- Genetics Counselor, Division of Genetics, Pediatrics
- Phone
- 304-293-7332
- Position
- Nurse Practitioner, Division of Genetics, Pediatrics
- Phone
- 304-293-7332
- Position
- Genetics Counselor, Section of Genetics, Pediatrics
- Phone
- 304-293-1651
- Position
- Genetic Testing Coordinator, Medical Assistant, Pediatrics
- Phone
- 304-293-1236
- Position
- Nurse Practitioner, Pediatrics, Pediatrics
- Phone
- 304-293-7332
- Position
- Nurse Practitioner, Section of Genetics, Pediatrics
- Position
- Pediatric Genetic Counselor, Section of Genetics, Pediatrics
- Phone
- 304-581-2012
- Position
- Clinical Dietian, Pediatrics
- Phone
- 304-293-7334
West Virginia Genetics Evaluation and Counseling Center
The West Virginia University Genetics Center is based at the Robert C. Byrd Health Sciences Center at WVU in Morgantown, WV.
To serve West Virginia and surrounding areas by providing genetic services and to act as a resource agency for health professionals.
Who Would Benefit?
- Families of children with birth defects.
- Persons with questions about genetic or familial diseases.
- Couples with fertility problems such as repeated miscarriages.
- Individuals concerned about a family history of mental retardation.
- Anyone seeking information with regard to a genetic or possible genetic condition.
- Evaluation, Diagnosis and Treatment of birth defects and inherited conditions.
- Diagnosis, Treatment and Management of metabolic diseases-such as phenylketonuria (PKU), galactosemia and other metabolic diseases.
- Genetic Counseling for families with a diagnosed genetic disease.
- Cancer Genetics counseling and coordination of testing for familial cancer.
- Assessment of the cause, pattern and recurrence risk for disease conditions.
- Prenatal Diagnosis of birth defects, chromosomal abnormalities and genetic diseases early in pregnancy.
- Education of individuals and families about genetic conditions.
- Laboratory Analysis to establish or confirm genetic diagnoses.
- Comprehensive Follow-up with referrals to community agencies.
- Outreach Community Educational Programs regarding genetics.
Locations of Clinics:
- Morgantown [WVU Physician Office Center]
- Charleston [Women and Children's Hospital]
- Huntington [Marshall University - University Children's Medical Center]
- Parkersburg [Mid-Ohio Valley Medical Group]
- Wheeling [Wheeling Hospital]
- Martinsburg [309 Medical Court]
- Summersville [Summersville Regional Medical Center]
The Medical Genetics Staff includes:
Abdulrazak Alali, MD., Medical Geneticist
Kristina Peron, N.P.,NP-C
Courtney Talik, N.P., FNP-BC
Jennie Wilkins, R.D., Dietitian
Kylie Vermeire, M.S., Genetic Counselor
Grace Lynch, M.S., Genetic Counselor
Jessica Pugh, B.A., LSW., Genetics Associate
Cytogenetic Technologists
A variety of other specialists are available on a consultation basis.
Prenatal services are coordinated with Maternal-Fetal Medicine - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology.
Cancer Genetics counseling and testing for familial cancer is coordinated with the Mary Babb Randolph Cancer Center.
- Genetic testing for family history of cancer is typically not performed on minors due to ethical guidelines but genetic counseling is available for minors.
Patients with Hypermobility of Joints and/or concerns for Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS) do not require a Genetics evaluation and we no longer accept referrals for this.
- Children with this may be referred to Dr. M. Russell in Orthopedics. We encourage referring clinics to contact her office at 304-598-4830 to obtain their referral workflow information.
- Adults with this are encouraged to follow with their Primary Care (PCP) for management referral to Rheumatology, PT, or Pain management.
For further information or an appointment at any clinic site, contact:
WV Genetics Center
Department of Pediatrics
Robert C. Byrd Health Sciences Center at WVU
Morgantown, WV 26506-9214
Phone: 304-293-7332
Fax: 304-974-3257
Toll-Free 1-800-842-3627
All insurances, Medicaid and Medicare are accepted. Any payment concerns or questions contact the Center.
Supported by:
West Virginia University
School of Medicine
West Virginia Bureau of Public Health
Office of Maternal & Child Health
Private Contributions