Day Camp

Three children attending CVRP Day Camp pose for a photoDay Camp, formerly known as Summer Institute, was implemented in 2003 to provide a forum for children of the visually impaired to receive direct instruction on specific skills such as braille, independent living, assistive technology, orientation and mobility and self-help skills. These topics are referred to as the Expanded Core Curriculum in the educational setting. Throughout the school year, teachers of the visually impaired focus on subject content and assisting the student with academics through modification of print (braille) or assignments (tactile maps). It has been observed that our students are academically sound to attend college but sometimes cannot succeed because they lack the skills to live independently, thus retreating home for parental support and ending higher education opportunities. Additionally, Day Camp provides a forum for students, parents, and teachers from different counties to network and establish support systems. Often, this is the first opportunity for a child with a visual impairment to interact with someone that has the same disability. In this setting, the visually impaired child who is the "outcast or disabled" child in their home school becomes just like their peers in this setting.

CVRP Our Voice HD

Day Camp 2022

May 31 - June 3
CMA Church of Morgantown
308 Elmhurst Street
Morgantown, WV 26505