LOCATION: Charleston Area Medical Center, Charleston, West Virginia
PRECEPTORS: Department of Medicine Faculty DURATION: 2 or 4 weeks
OFFERED: Continuously
STATUS: Elective not currently offered
To expose the student to a range of clinical situations through continuum care of patients in a rural nursing home or rural clinic setting.
Methods to Achieve Objectives
Two half-days per week will be spent at the Arthur B. Hodges Center discussing the problems and medication of the patients as well as learning the basics of geriatric evaluation. Four half-days per week will be spent seeing patients at the Cabin Creek Health Center and two half-days per week seeing patients in the Geriatric Clinics. The student will participate in weekly interdisciplinary conferences and will spend time in informal didactic sessions with the preceptor. The student will be expected to attend the weekly conferences; read pertinent materials and attend informal didactic sessions.
Examination Procedures and Evaluation Criteria
Available from the preceptor.
Pre-Rotation Instructions
Will update information and instructions when elective is offered again