Pediatric Nephrology

LOCATION: Charleston Area Medical Center, Charleston, West Virginia
PRECEPTOR: Department of Pediatrics Faculty
DURATION: 2 or 4 weeks
OFFERED: Intermittently
STATUS: Elective not offered at this time


To establish differential diagnosis for various neurologic signs and symptoms and to learn the common neurologic syndromes such as seizures, developmental delay, metabolic encephalopathies.

Methods to Achieve Objectives

Student will learn how to conduct complete neurologic exams of neonates, infants, and children and learn the basic structural and pathologic diagnosis by MRI and CAT scans. Student must attend a formal teaching session once a week, and will be responsible for one oral presentation during the rotation.

Examination Procedures and Evaluation Criteria

Daily observation.

Pre-Rotation Instructions

Will update instructions when rotation is offered again.