Pediatric Surgery

LOCATION: CAMC Women and Children's Hospital -Charleston, West Virginia
PRECEPTOR: WVU Clinical Faculty
DURATION: 2 or 4 weeks
OFFERED: Continuously
STATUS: Elective.


To recognize surgical problems in infants and children; To be able to diagnose the acute abdomen in children.

Methods to Achieve Objectives

Exposure to pediatric surgical problems, work-up surgical procedures and post-operative follow-up. Observation of patients in office and hospital settings. Daily rounds and the observation of pediatric surgical procedures.

Examination Procedures and Evaluation Criteria

Daily observation.

Pre-Rotation Instructions 

WVU/Visiting Students –Contact the 4th year Coordinator for preceptor information and time to report one week prior. (Visiting students must attend an Orientation before beginning rotations at CAMC; you will receive detailed Orientation information one week prior to your start date)