
LOCATION: Ruby Memorial Hospital - Morgantown, West Virginia
PRECEPTOR: William Hutson, MD
DURATION: 4 weeks minimum
OFFERED: Continuously
STATUS: Elective


  1. Learn the differential diagnosis of, relative frequency of, and evaluation of common GI and liver diseases.
  2. Learn the indications for costs of and complications of endoscopic and biopsy procedures.
  3. Learn the indications and contraindications for referral of patients by primary care physicians to gastroenterologists.

Methods to Achieve Objectives

  1. Students will attend GI Clinic where they will evaluate new patients in conjunction with the gastroenterology staff physicians.
  2. Students will be assigned to the GI Consultation Service where they will evaluate patients referred to the Service under the supervision of the fellow and staff physicians.
  3. Students will attend endoscopic procedures on the patients they have worked up.
  4. Students will attend Gastroenterology Teaching Conferences by the gastroenterology section.
  5. Students will see CAT scans, MRI's, and radiographs in the patients that they evaluate in the clinics and on the consultation service and will go over these with members of the gastroenterology staff.
  6. Students will be expected to understand special procedures such as esophageal motility tests and gastric emptying studies used in the diagnosis and management of gastro-intestinal disorders.
  7. Students will be expected to present all patients to the gastroenterology staff physicians and follow their progress on a daily basis in the hospital.

Examination Procedures and Evaluation Criteria

The student will be judged by his/her ability to formulate a differential diagnosis and management plan by presentations of consult patients to staff and by presentations at conferences.

Pre-Rotation Instructions

Contact Ms. Debbie Williams,  two weeks prior to rotation start date.