Lesley Cottrell, Ph.D.

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Graduate School, Degree(s): West Virginia University, Developmental Psychology, PhD

Faculty Rank: Associate Professor

Research Interests: child and adolescent risk behaviors, parental monitoring, social and behavioral correlates of childhood obesity

Is there a particular population of students (e.g., ethnicity, spiritual, sexual orientation) that you would particularly like to advise?

No specific preferences

What does a typical day in the life of an academic include?

An academic's typical day can incorporate quick transitions from topics related to their teaching, research, and service missions. An academic mentees his/her students to discuss an upcoming exam or problem solve a particular issue and then will turn to the lab setting to test a new hypothesis or an ongoing research question. Service on committees, workgroups, and other agendas is another important component of the day.

Do you have any summer opportunities for students in your laboratory?

Yes- As a representative for the Department of Pediatrics, I can proudly state that we have a variety of summer opportunities for students. Studies range from the laboratory to the community setting.

What advice would you give to a student starting medical school?

Strive for that balance between maintaining a focus on your studies while exploring the opportunities around you. While there is a core path, the medical student can add various rest stops along the way. Taking the time to consider which stops will enhance your medical learning is important.

What kinds of help and information can you offer to medical students during their pre-clinical years?

Networking is important for identifying potential collaborations, ways to apply what you have learned, and connections for future partnerships. I would be happy to link students to others with shared interests, discuss how their interests might be applied in various ways, and identify resources that might help students reach their goals.