Meghan Turner, MD

Board Certification:   Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery

Medical School: Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine

Residency: New York University School of Medicine

Faculty Rank:  Assistant Professor

Special Clinical/Research Interests: Head and Neck Cancer Oncologic Surgery and Endoscopic Skull Base Surgery.

Is there a particular population of students (e.g., ethnicity, spiritual, sexual orientation) that you would particularly like to advise?

Diverse groups and I work well.  See my faculty website for my training and foreign language experience.

What does a typical day in the life of an otolaryngologist include?

A day in the typical life of an Head and Neck / Skull Base Surgeon involve evaluation of tumors of the head and neck  It employs expert knowledge of anatomy and physiology to determine the best surgical or nonsurgical treatment to help our patients do well with swallowing, voicing, speaking, breathing, and living.  Every patient evaluation involves a procedure, and every patient evaluation demands expertise.

What is the biggest challenge of being an otolaryngologist ? 

The biggest challenge of being a Head and Neck / Skull base surgeon is explaining the complex anatomy and risks involved in helping them.  It also involves multidisciplinary care (working with endocrinologists, neurosurgeons, pathologist, radiologists, speech and swallow therapists, and social workers to care for your patients).  Doctors most deidicated to patient care are needed.

How do you foresee Head and Neck Surgery changing over the next 20 years?

Robotic Surgery and Endoscopic Skull Base Surgery will become the standard of care.  I have fellowship training and both.  The future is coming.

What advice would you give a student who is considering a residency in your specialty?

Advise I give to any candidate for residency.  Take the worst day in any subspecialty.  If you can tolerate that day and still be happy helping the patient, you should choose that subspecialty.  Medicine is not shift work.  Patients need you even when it is inconvenient.  You should be happy to help them.