Paul McCarthy, MD

Paul McCarthy

Board Certification: Internal medicine, critical care medicine, nephrology (BE)

Medical School: Ross University

Residency: Internal Medicine (NEOUCOM)

                 Critical Care Medicine (LSU)

                 Nephrology (University of Maryland) 

Faculty Rank: Assistant Professor of Medicine 

Special Clinical/Research Interests: Critical illness, acute kidney injury, sepsis, acute neurologic illness, palliative care

Is there a particular population of students (e.g., ethnicity, spiritual, sexual orientation) that you would particularly like to advise?


What does a typical day in the life of an intensivist include?

Early morning rounds

Handling acute life threatening emergencies

Bedside procedures

Interaction with variety of consultants

What is the biggest challenge of being an intensivist?

Long hours

Life threatening emergencies

How do you foresee intensive care medicine changing over the next 20 years?

More technology such as genetics, proteomics

What advice would you give a student who is considering an internal medicine residency?

Be humble

Continue to study

Be passionate

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